I Say a Little Prayer - Aretha Franklin

Piano Solo | Piano Vocals | Piano 4 hands | Arranger Keyboard | Solo Instrument

I Say a Little Prayer - Aretha Franklin

I Say a Little Prayer

Aretha Franklin

Discover our "I Say a Little Prayer" piano sheet music. Written and composed by the American duo Hal David and Burt Bacharach for Dionne Warwick, "I Say a Little Prayer" became a worldwide hit thanks to the unforgettable cover by the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. Because not all pianists have the same level of playing, we have developed a progressive selection. All you have to do is choose from our different levels, from the easy piano music sheet to the more advanced piano music sheet. "I Say a Little Prayer" has been covered many times, but the most famous is still Aretha Franklin's.
  • Level 1 (4 pages)
  • Level 2 (4 pages)
  • Level 3 (4 pages)

Piano Solo | Piano Vocals | Piano 4 hands | Arranger Keyboard | Solo Instrument